Thiago Mata

Crafting impactful software

I offer a unique vision, combining long-term technical experi­ence, aca­demic frame­work, analysis aptitude, and communi­cation skills to inter­act with deve­lopers, investors and clients to aid decision-making and build useful, reli­able, elegant and thrifty products.

20 Years in Software Development
3 Years as Tech Lead
2 Years as Data Engineer
3 International Awards
20 Courses and Specialisations
5 Years as Cloud Architect
1 Year as Co-Founder

Top Companies


Senior Software Engineer

5 years
Leverage customer data

I developed high-performance, high-availability services in a platform that processes billions of transactions and delivers personalized offers to millions of users. These services consume events and enrich the product experience and impact.


Senior Data Enginner

1.5 years
Moving data streams to the cloud

Enabled data-driven decision-making by developing an AI product over a data platform with optimized data pipelines and enhanced data management.


Chief Technology Officer

3 year
Demographic analysis and micro targeting

Development of Alexandria, a cloud-based tool that combined surveys, machine learning and big data analytics to provide insights, reports and recommendations to clients about their audience.



1.5 years
Make any car a smart car.

Developed the server that receives data from the car app and generates insights and recommendations for the car owner. It also allows the driver to share the data with car stores and mechanics.


Web Developer and Process Analyst

3 years and 10 months
Brazilian Ministry of Education

While Working for the government, I analysed, specified, modelled and developed systems for the federal government to interact with students, schools and universities.



Influential and meaningful

The largest source of waste in the startup is building a product that no one will find useful.

Eric Ries
  • Market Suitability
  • Data-Driven Decision
  • Impact forecasting
  • Risk Management
  • Prototyping and Hypothesis Testing


Steady and trustworthy

In truth, whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well; and nothing can be done well without attention.

Philip Dormer Stanhope
  • Verified and Validated
  • Stability and Resilience
  • Progressive Delivery
  • Observability
  • Levels of Degragation


Straightforward but thorough

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.

Albert Einstein
  • Simplicity
  • Cleanliness
  • Clarity
  • Alignment
  • Traceability


Budget-conscious and efficient

A penny saved is a penny earned.

Benjamin Franklin
  • Thoroughness
  • Resource Optimization
  • Efficiency
  • Business Impact
  • Adaptability

More About Me

Explore my professional journey, skills, and achievements in detail.

You can also reach me on Linkedin, Twitter, GitHub, StackOverflow, or by email at