• Thiago Mata
  • Introduction
  • Education as a Platform
  • Impact
  • Tech
  • Summary

    MEC / INEP


    Process Analyst


    We developed services for the Ministry of Education of Brazil to improve the communication, monitoring, evaluation and validation from the government to the students, schools, technical schools, universities and educational professionals.



    MEC / INEP

    The Ministry of Education of Brazil - MEC is responsible for the educational system in Brazil and the National Institute for Educational Studies and Research AnĂ­sio Teixeira - INEP is a federal autarchy linked to the MEC responsible for the evaluation of the educational system in Brazil. They regulate, monitor, evaluate and validate the institutions, courses, professionals and students in Brazil.

    I worked at theses institutions for 5 years, creating services to monitor the planning, budget and finance of the Institutions related to the MEC, to evaluate the quality, frequency and expenses of the technical schools, to evaluate the quality of the courses of the universities, to validate the diplomas of medical professionals, and to evaluate the students to enter the universities.

    Education as a Platform

    With a country with continental dimensions, the services of the MEC and INEP are required to deal with millions of students, schools, technical schools, universities and educational professionals. Some of these services, include charging fees and taxes. These financial transactions, sometimes millions per day, need to be monitored and validated by the government. The services also need to aggregate the huge amount of data and provide maps, reports, insights, dashboards and alerts to the government and related institutions.

    Knowledge to Better Educate


    We developed the E-MEC, which is the software for the educational accreditation and quality assurance for all universities in the country. That software improved the consistency, transparency and speed of the evaluation of the courses and institutions. We also developed the National Examination for the Revalidation of Medical Diplomas Issued by Foreign Higher Education Institutions and the SISTEC, which is the National Registry of Technical Courses. These services improved the quality of the professionals and the technical schools in the country, and also brought more information and transparency to the government and the society. Finally, I also colarorated with the ENEM, which is the National High School Examination, and the SIMEC, which is the System for the Management of the Educational Resources of the MEC.
