• Thiago Mata
  • Introduction
  • Data Sync
  • Impact
  • Tech
  • Summary





    Otimicar is a solution that converts any car into a smart car. I created the server-side services that allowed car owners to sync and share their data, receive recommendations and promotions.




    Otimicar is a hardware and app solution that converts any car into a smart car. The hardware connected into the car and share the data with the phone app by bluetooth. The phone app send the data to the server that generates reports, monitoring metrics, recommendations to the customers.

    I created the server-side application that receives the customer car's data, compare it with other cars of similar models and send reports with recommendations of services and maintenance to the customers. It also allowed the customers to share their data with the mechanic workshop, car stores and insurances.

    Personalization and Recommendation

    Making possible the customer to send theirs car data to different car stores, mechanic workshops and insurances and then receive personalized promotions and services was a essential business requirement to make the product profitable. The challenge was that are many different systems used by each one of those partners and they don't have any standard way of receiving or sharing data. Therefore, we had to provide many interfaces adapted to each one of those services, even when they don't provide proper documentation of how they work.

    Data Sharing


    We integrated with some key partners sending data about the customers' cars. The created service was running on Google Cloud only charging on demand. The working integration was one of the requirements from the prospected investors. Having that working boosted their confidence about the viability of the product.
